Join CityCampSF, Gov 2.0 Radio, OpenSF, Third Thursdays SF and Granicus for 24 hours of civic innovation!
Challenges include:
Best demonstration app for assessing the true impacts of clear-cutting in the Sierra Nevadas;
Best app combining City data sources for true transparency in SF campaign donations, lobbying and contracting;
Best use of Granicus APIs;
We'll also be formally launching an advocacy campaign for structured open data definitions in San Francisco municipal and California state law. Endorse that effort here.
More to be announced! Submit a challenge or ask questions on the CityCampSF Hackathon Projects page.
If you'd like to contribute to covering the costs of the event, pitch in here. Thanks!
Read more about CityCamp here.
December 10, 2011 at 12pm - December 11, 2011
Adriel Hampton ·
· 415-237-4299
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