Check out 'Coderitis' on Soundcloud
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that's a good idea
Adriel Hampton commented on Dress the Same Every Day, or Let Your SO Pick Your Clothes? 2014-11-14 13:35:13 -0500@ wise man
I bought bitcoin
It involved bank account, credit card and identification verification, an app called "Authy," and a surprisingly high transaction fee (about 1% - and the exchange rate for these things is all over the place), but in less than 15 minutes of effort, I bought my first bitcoin using Coinbase.
(Oh, and if you use my referral link in the image above to join this with me, we both get $5 of satoshis.)
Adriel Hampton commented on Gov 2.0 Where Are They Now? A Five-Year Retrospective 2013-12-16 21:45:24 -0500@, thanks for stopping by! Yes, amazing group of folks. Glad to have met you through the community as well!
Adriel Hampton commented on Healthcare.gov: a failure for open gov buzzwords 2013-10-03 00:55:43 -0400Established vendors also sometimes know what they’re doing (bringing that up because Sivak dinged Percussion, and those guys have built some MONSTER web properties).
Open source is driving a lot of innovation, but not in the “we crowdsourced the code” way, more in the “we use Postgres and shared libraries” way. IMO, open source isn’t the answer in itself to government technology improvements – the biggest wins will come from procurement reform to bring in more competition-driven advancements in tech infrastructure. -
Adriel Hampton signed No War with Syria 2013-09-04 21:04:50 -0400
No War with Syria
CNN has a handy breakdown of how House and Senate members plan to vote on military strikes on Syria. My Rep from the San Gabriel Valley, Judy Chu, is undecided! Sadly, my Senate reps are in the "let bombs fly" category.
If your rep is undecided, you should lobby them directly. If you're in Chu's district, she's got a constituent survey up that you can take here. And please sign and tweet out my petition. Thanks!
No U.S. war with Syria!
Rules to Govern Your Nation
Adriel Hampton published Hire to Speak in Resources 2013-01-17 16:00:26 -0500
Adriel Hampton published survey 2012-10-17 11:01:41 -0400
Volunteer survey
Take the survey